The only person who depends on you is you- so your path to financial security may be more straightforward than others. Even so, if the unforeseen were to happen, you may not have someone to rely on for support—financial or otherwise. That’s why having a financial plan (and considering life insurance) is so important.
Taking the first steps to manage your financial situation can be scary- but meeting with a financial advisor is as easy as grabbing a cup of coffee. It's collaborative, empowering, and free! You can do this.
Frequently Asked Questions
I don't have a lot of money. Will an Advisor still meet with me?
Financial Advisors meet with people from all walks of life. There is no "minimum balance" required, and a Financial Advisor is not there to pass judgement on the state of your finances, however robust they are (or are not).
What will we talk about?
A Financial Advisor's role is to help you assess your current financial health and make a plan to help you set and achieve goals. You will discuss any factors currently impacting your financial situation including debt, assets and protecting yourself and your family. As with a doctor or fitness coach, it's important to be honest and open with your Financial Advisor so that they can truly support you in accomplishing your goals.
Will my Advisor push me to buy anything?
No. Your Financial Advisor is not going to pressure you to purchase any specific product or service. However, they will make strategic recommendations based on your goals and these may involve a number of different products like Life Insurance, Retirement Plans, College Savings Plans, Long Term Care, etc. Furthermore, an Advisor's recommendation does not guarantee product eligibility. Many recommendations may be subject to underwriting and application review.
Yes, typically Financial Advisors are paid on commission when you purchase a product. But they are not "in it" to benefit from a one-time sale like a car dealership. The best Financial Advisors, like the best doctors, value ongoing, long-term relationships and will work to find you the best solution(s) possible- and continue to adjust and refine your strategy as you and your life change. Once a working relationship is developed, a Financial Advisor is there to serve as a trusted resource for the long haul.
Is it confidential?
A Financial Advisor works with a team of licensed professionals to support you with any necessary paperwork, applications, and arrangements needed to implement your financial strategy. There are very strict regulatory requirements in the industry to ensure proper security, protocol, and discretion.
What should I bring?
You'll want to bring any financial documentation, records, or files that might help guide the conversation, but your first meeting is simply a conversation. This is a chance for you to get to know your Financial Advisor and allow them to learn more about you and your goals.